2ggo is built with Expo (https://expo.io/). Expo collects very little data, and nothing that identifies end-users of 2ggo. The service is primarily used for receiving app updates. No personal information is ever sent to Expo servers. Expo's full privacy policy can be found here: https://expo.io/privacy-explained. Requests to the 2ggo service include no identifying information, with the exception of placing an order. When you place an order, your contact information will be sent to our servers. Our servers generate an email to our fulfillment team that includes the information you provided, and then discard this information. Your information is used to deliver the order and nothing more. Information about the order, but no personal information, is stored in our database, but only used for auditing. Payments are handled with Stripe. You can find Stripe's privacy policy here: https://stripe.com/privacy. For any questions related to privacy, please contact Dayton Ellwanger at daytonellwanger@gmail.com.